Friday, April 5, 2013

New Discovery: The God We Create

“Art never comes from happiness.“
That's what Chuck Palahniuk, american author and journalist once said and looking at the singer I want to present you today, this quote seems to be very accurate.
17 year old Ben Thomason from Nashville, Tennessee is also known as The God We Create, a hardcore solo project. His six songs sound a lot like Bring Me The Horizon and I have to be in the mood for them because they're too heavy for me to be listened to 24/7.
Looking at the lyrics you can see that Ben has already been through a lot. The first song is called Goodbye and tells the story of death taking somebody you were close to. It tells the story of how you continue living even though it's a lot more difficult now (“My world's gone dark with you gone“), how you constantly have this person on your mind (“When I dream, I dream of you“) and how you'd do everything to bring them back (“Take my hand I'll bring you home, take my hand I won't let go“). As sad as this song is, the end offers some inspirational lyrics I didn't expect while listening: “I swear no matter how bad it may seem or how awful it may get, there is hope around the corner for each and every one of you.“
Hands down: I don't know many 17 year old boys but the ones I know would never come up with lyrics like these.
The second song, Long Gone, is in no way inferior to Goodbye. While listening you can literally feel the sadness, anger and disappointment raging in Ben because this song is very raw, very real. I can't imagine how it feels when your family is torn and I also can't imagine how it feels to leave a part of your family behind to start over without them but Long Gone really touched me and I'm quite impressed because Ben managed to turn his negative feelings into something positive that he can share with the whole world.
I don't know how many of you heard the story of Katelyn Norman, a girl who suffered from cancer for a long time and passed away last week. I only heard about her because she was a big fan of Of Mice & Men and the whole band, especially Austin Carlile, was there for her until the end. I assume that Ben knew her because he wrote a song for her which sent shivers down my spine and I get goosebumps only from reading the lyrics. Rest in Peace, Katelyn.

The other four songs are as raw as the ones I mentioned and I honestly think that Ben can make it far when he gets some more support and a record label behind him to boost his talent.

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